Noblesville Imports
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*All vehicle prices are clearly marked online with less applicable sales tax, $237 service fee, $15 state Tag & Title Fee, $210 optional etch service, and $590 optional paint & fabric protection. Out-of-state customers may have additional fees applied for notary, and additional title fees by state & local. Delivery transport charges are not included in the sales price of the vehicle. For out-of-state buyers, you are responsible for any additional fees charged by your local county or state, if any.

*Monthly payments are ESTIMATES ONLY. Financing payment calculations are based on APR and term. Available on approved credit and not all customers will qualify. The estimated payment should only be used as a guide, and all finance terms must be verified before a sale is complete.

*Vehicle odometer readings are from initial purchase, odometer readings will go up from customer test drives, transportation to shops, PPI's, inspection, etc...

*Although inspections are performed when vehicles arrive at our service center, we welcome Pre-Purchase Inspections (PPI) at the buyer's expense.

*We are not responsible for voided factory warranty, ineligible claims submitted by a third-party warranty, failed emissions, or discrepancies & unknown on history reports.

*PREFERRED payment methods are Cashiers Check, Bankers Check, or Cash. Personal Checks and Wires MUST clear before vehicles can be released.

* Based on 2014 EPA mileage ratings. Use for comparison purposes only. Your actual mileage will vary depending on how you drive and maintain your vehicle

Additional key(s) and/or Owner's Manuals are not guaranteed with the sale of a used vehicle.

*The dealership is not responsible for typographical pricing, product information, vehicle options & packages, advertising, or shipping errors. The customer is responsible to verify with the Dealer that all details listed are accurate. Advertised prices and available quantities are subject to change without notice.

*Some cars have unrepaired safety recalls. Check for Unrepaired Safety Recalls.